This is a video short for the upcoming animated movie Odyssey 2050.
Odyssey 2050 is a dynamic and groundbreaking animated film raising awareness about climate change and global warming. It's purpose is to motivate young people all over the world to take action on climate through their participation in the creation and production of a digitally animated feature film.Through workshops, internet, video- conferences and other mediums the project is engaging with more young people every month around the world through the cooperation of British Diplomatic Missions, the British Council, NGOs, government ministries and other volunteers. We are fortunate to have on our team two high profile Costa Ricans, former NASA astronaut Dr. Franklin Chang who holds the record for most space flights with seven.
The feature film to be completed in 2013 will reach millions in its cinematic release and through subsequent exposure on television, film festivals, DVD and internet. The deadline we have established for young people to submit their works is July 1st 2012. We are excited and overwhelmed by the responses we have have received from young people to date and our recent workshops in schools in Durban were highly successful. We have a busy schedule of events planned for this year which will include events at the London Olympics and in December at COP 18 in Qatar.
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Thanks for watching!!!