05 Dec 2008: Fifteen inspired young people have travelled overland from the UK to Poznan, Poland to urge our government to take strong and equitable action on climate change. Poznan is the setting for this year's UN Climate Change Conference, a critical stage in negotiating a global deal on climate change to take effect after 2012.
We are joining international youth from more than fifty countries to ensure our voices are heard and listened to. As things stand, we are miles away from where we need to be and we have only one year left to get there in time for the Copenhagen conference in December 2009.
The UK Youth Delegation (UKYD) is a self-organised group of 18 to 25-year-olds who are passionate about the need to equitably reduce greenhouse gas emissions right away, in order to avoid dangerous climate change. This is a generational issue: peer-reviewed science predicts fundamental impacts on the world's climate system – the system that humanity has been intimately linked to throughout history. The decisions made at Poznan will shape the world we grow up in. If a global deal is not reached, the world will look very different in 2050, when members of the UKYD will not yet have reached retirement age. Climate change is not just about polar bears. It's about us. More >>>